
Gemstone Healing Mini Crystal Tree

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Name: Lapis Lazuli
Also known as Stone of Knowledge & Wisdom
Befitting: Communication, Self Confidence, Creativity
Minerals: Sodium Calcium Aluminium Silicate
Chakra: Throat


Name: Lapis Lazuli
Also known as Stone of Knowledge & Wisdom
Befitting: Communication, Self Confidence, Creativity
Minerals: Sodium Calcium Aluminium Silicate
Chakra: Throat


Balances Thyroid and heals throat problems
Wearing this stone encourages inner self-knowledge
Enhances creativity
Boosts self-confidence
Helpful in relieving stress and anxiety
Name: Clear Quartz
Also known as The Universal Crystal
Befitting: Energy, Amplification, Cleanser
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide
Chakra: All Chakras


Can be used in all types of healing
Used for protection, energy and strengthens aura
Meditating with this stone helps in spiritual guidance
Used in grids to channel continuous energy
Can be placed in a home for protection and positive energy
Strengthens immune system
Name: Amethyst
Also known as The Master Healer
Befitting: Protection, Concentration, Spirituality
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide
Chakra: Crown, Brow


Protector from negative energies
Useful in insomnia and nightmares
Meditating with Amethyst reduces anger, anxiety, stress, and depression
Useful for de-addiction
Keep it during meditation to activate the Third Eye
Improves concentration and is helpful in studies
Strengthens metabolism and immune system
Beneficial in Legal Matters
Name: Red Jasper
Also known as The Grounder
Befitting: Energy, Protection
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide with Iron Oxide
Chakra: Root


Stone of grounding
Gives stability
Good for problems related to bones and blood
Good for male reproductive organs
Boost stamina and sexual power
Attracts prosperity and abundance
Name: Black Obsidian
Also known as Problem Solver
Befitting: Protection, Grounding, Cleansing
Minerals: Silicates
Chakra: Root


It has the potential to abruptly bring blocked emotions to the forefront
Good for bones and soothing pains
Creates a protection shield
Clears blocked emotions & energies
Name: Carnelian
Also known as: Stone of Action
Befitting: Energizer, Vitality/Passion, Sexuality
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide
Chakra: Sacral


Best stone for females’ reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, infertility, etc
Amplifies the flow of life force energy and gives vitality
Helpful in problems of bones and ligaments, gallbladder, and pancreas
Gives courage, confidence, and decisiveness
Helps one to overcome abuse faced in the past
Gives success in career and personal matters
Name: Rose Quartz
Name: Citrine
Also known as the Stone of Wealth
Befitting: Wealth, Protection, Will Power
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide
Chakra: All Chakras


Great stone to work on solar plexus chakra & all types of digestive problems
Strengthen the willpower & drive in life
Helps clean blocked old emotions & heals anxiety
Helps overcome depression
Attractor of wealth & money
Attracts luck for business

Name: Jade
Also known as: the Stone of Heaven
Befitting: Abundance, immunity, System Luck
Mineral: Silicon Dioxide with Mica
Chakra: Heart Chakra


Strengthens the immune system
Good for lungs related diseases
Brings emotional balance & eases stress
Helps bring down fever and inflammation
Brings good luck and wealth
Also known as The Gamblers Stone
Protects from Electromagnetic Smog

Name: Sunstone
Also known as Stone of Joy
Befitting: Joy, Depression, Luck
Minerals: Sodium Calcium Aluminium
Chakra: Heart, Solar, Sacral, Root


Connected with the Sun that helps create light in dark situations
Empowers one to outshine in all fields
Best stone for depression fills one with joy
Triggers Optimism
Prevents Energy Drains
Stone for Goodluck

Name: Moonstone
Also known as the Stone of New Beginnings
Befitting: love, luck, and protection
Minerals: orthoclase and albite
Chakra: crown chakra


promote spiritual
promote emotional balance and inner peace
meditation or relaxation practice
A stone of peaceful sleep
Name: Yellow Jasper
Also known as the stone of inner peace


promoting positivity and increasing self-confidence
Yellow Jasper stones help remove unwanted thoughts and fears
This stone holds strong balancing energy
Yellow Jasper brings happiness and uplifts energy
This stone emits high resonance that amplifies perseverance and tenacity
Name: Pink Aventurine
Also known as the “Stone of Opportunity


for healing emotional wounds
balancing the mind and body
attracting love into your life.
allowing us to move forward in life with confidence and optimism
Name: Tiger eye
Also known as all-seeing, all-knowing

attracts good luck and prosperity
enhance your self-confidence
It boosts self-confidence and assertiveness
It enhance focus, clarity and concentration
Name: Green Aventurine
Also known as the “gambler’s stone


Amplifying Prosperity and Abundance
Enhancing Luck and Serendipity
Promoting Emotional Well-being
Strengthening Personal Growth and Confidence
Aiding in Physical Healing and Vitality
Height: 4cm-6cm(approx)

Diameter: 2cm-3cm(approx)

Weight: 10Gms

Material: Crystal & Wood

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